
Wednesday, 31 July 2013

My Unhealthy July

Yep, today is the day I post my unhealthy parts of the month. And... This month my diet went on a vacation, as said before I have been invited to a lot of parties, celebrations... etc. (Good thing that I'm not going to visit my grandmother this year, otherwise there would have been more cake and candy on the menu).
The list seems a bit extreme, but I have (more/ less) exercised a great part of the month. Which is great, hopefully this... fat food period will be over as the school soon begins (in a couple of weeks).

The List contains of:
1 x ice cream sandwich
1 x rainbow ice cream (just a little)
3 x brownie muffins
1 x chicken burrito
2 x portions of pierogi
1 x normal twister ice cream
10 x mini twister ice cream (yes, I love twister ice cream it's a plus they are low in kcal)
1 x portion of noodles
2 x almond magnum ice cream
1 x apple pastry
½ apple cake
1 x tiramusi dessert
7 x chocolate cookies
1 x mini bounty
2 x glasses of Fanta Exotic
1 x portion of microwaved pop corns
1 x slice of cake (called 'drømmekage' in Danish)
1 x isis caramel bar (low in sugar, as this brand customize their products to diabetics)
3 x slices of pepperoni pizza
1 x huge soft ice with vanilla and strawberry
?? x grill food (I lost count as my parents grilled for almost everyday in the last 2 weeks of July)
1 x time at the Italian buffet
2-3 x times at the Chinese buffet
1-2 x portions of homemade ice cream with homemade berry sauce
?? x pancakes (yes, again my mother happily made me pancakes)

Tuesday, 30 July 2013

So July is ending...

Tomorrow it's the last day of July - what a messy month :/
Well that's the annoying part about making plans; they don't always turn out the way you want them to.

Morning: 30 min on the cross trainer, a few exercises (focus on the legs)
Evening: 30 min on the cross trainer, a few exercises (focus on the legs)

The calorie burn is about 600 kcal (more or less, typically more)

The reason why I'm dividing my day like this is that I get easily bored, it's a lame excuse, but at least I found a solution to handle my getting-in-shape-plan.

Friday, 26 July 2013

No Excuses

Yeah... I have a million excuses for why I'm not active on my blog. Like, I live with my parents over the summer - and they are renovating their house etc.

Maybe I just want this change bad enough? Or maybe I'm just too lazy to care? Or too lazy to do anything about it? ... There might be even more than I can imagine... Or not?

Anyway, I need to pull myself together and start and acting instead of just dreaming about it. I have been going to the fitness and so on... But I haven't been eating right - which just does not make any changes (yes, I might put the blame on my family for celebrating birthdays, BBQ, etc.), I need to resist this kind of way of thinking.

Example, yesterday wasn't too bad. But I didn't go to the gym...
Breakfast: a few pancakes with organic Italian plum jam, and a glass of water.
Lunch: a few meatballs (homemade, and yes it is so Scandinavian) with garlic bread.
Snack: a big strawberry-rhubarb smoothie.
Dinner: popcorn and cola (I went to the movies with a friend).


this morning I ate 3 buns with raisins (with no butter) - it could have been worse, but it isn't the healthiest breakfast (I don't consider white bake-work, pancakes as healthy breakfast meals - there are recipes which offers a healthier version of it, but again... There are other things. Like I typically eat oatmeal for breakfast, it's easy and healthy. I have been looking at Bran flakes, it should be an even healthier option than oatmeal - the only minus is; you need milk to eat bran flakes and I'm lactose intolerant. Yes, I can go for lactose free milk, but it is pricey!!!! or milk with 0,1 % fat with minimum amount of portion).

Hopefully, it will turn out better than it has so far...

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Tour de France

Hey there!

I started my day with a banana! And then I went for 30 minutes cross-training, and started off with working out my arms (ha ha, I feel so weak)! For breakfast I ate my regular oatmeal. I then took my bike to get into the center of Copenhagen, to get a few things sorted, and then back home. I'm surprised that I wasn't tired, but I can feel that my body is adjusting to this new lifestyle (which is good).

I'm going to eat lunch in an hour (yep, same sandwich - it is so easy to make). And relax a little, before I hit the gym again (late afternoon).

Well I'm not a fan of  'Tour de France', my brother enjoys watching it, so I tend to watch it too. It gives you motivation, I'm serious, they are exercising for over 4 hours - constantly take consideration to the road (like it goes up, down... etc.) and on the way you get to see a piece of France as well :) nice, huh?

Monday, 8 July 2013

Resting Day!

Good morning!
Today is my only resting day (from the gym), my legs are sore from the yesterday's exercise (I'm not as sore as I wished, as I really pushed myself). Today, I'm going out shopping with my mother.
Today my goal is to not eat any meat (a meatless day), and of course keep myself from any sweets and fat food. I my already ate my standard portion of oatmeal this morning, I'm even considering bringing my own lunchbox and a small snack (just so I don't need to think about it, and also without the lunchbox it will be a lot easier to pick an unhealthier choice - example fast food).

Sunday, 7 July 2013


Hey, my day today: for breakfast I ate oatmeal (just standard), for snack before lunch I ate a strawberry fruit-bar (I love that it has a smiley face on), an hour later I ate a small sandwich (containing: rye-bun, sliced cucumber, salad and humus). I toasted the bun, before making it, as I like it crunchy (otherwise it's too soft).

So yesterday, I tried to limit myself regarding to the Chinese food. It went so-so. Afterwards there was a lot of temptations; like chocolate tarts, chocolate, fruits (honeydew melon, melon and oranges) - yes I just took a few slices of fruit (I also had a low calorie chocolate bar in my purse just in case, but I haven't touched it). So at some points I'm quite satisfied with how it went. Still I hope it will take a while before we go to a restaurant etc. next time (funny enough it is my sister's birthday next week, so maybe sooner than I wished for).

Saturday, 6 July 2013

Sunny Summer Day

Hey, I started my day with a banana and a CLA - pill, then I headed to fitness and did the cross-trainer for ½ hour. I was suppose to run/ power walk   on the treadmill.... but my legs were so sore! So yes, I skipped that part, but I'm still happy that I went - and making it a habit (going to the gym almost everyday). Afterwards I ate a standard oatmeal (containing: oats, milk - 0,1%, water, flax seeds) with cottage cheese and honey on top. I'm full.

I'm worried though... In the summer my parents tend to go out and eat (restaurants, BBQ, birthdays, or other celebrations), today they are having a summer-party in their summerhouse. There is going to be a Chinese buffet. Usually I don't mind it, but now that I'm on a diet (eating cleaner and healthier food) and on a strict exercise program. The buffet is on it's more unhealthier side, as it contains of a lot of carbs, fat and processed food. I'm not all too thrilled about this, but it will be a challenge to pick out the healthier food over the less healthy food.

My goal today, together with picking out the healthier food, is to go to the gym in the evening.

Thursday, 4 July 2013

My Unhealthy June

Hello there! Yes I couldn't resist, so here you have my unhealthy parts of June. I had difficulties, as you can see, but it is a challenge as I went to various of restaurants this month (birthdays, celebration of my brother's graduation etc.). And then there have been times where I have been either stressed/ lazy. I haven't been to the fitness that many times either... So it's going great...

Well enough about the bad parts, I have made a program now, for July. Everyday (except Monday), I'm going to train 2 hours in total (1 hour in the morning and 1 hour in the evening), to wake my body up. It is going so-so ... The mornings are great, but the evenings... they are kind of in the way (ex. if I'm out shopping with my friend - the last thing I want to do after a whole day of walking is going to the gym). I can feel that my body is getting quite exhausted, and I'm trying to take it easy, as this is quite a change (example: I do ½ hour of cross-trainer, but running in the evening on the treadmill is killing me - so instead I power-walk for ½ hour). Everyday (except Monday), I will train on of my parts of my body for 15 min. (Tuesday - arms, Wednesday - legs, Thursday - butt, Friday - arms, Saturday - stomach, Sunday - butt).

Wish me luck!
The List contains of:

  • 8 scones with chocolate
  • 4 chocolate muffins
  • 1 Marabou with raisins and almonds
  • 1 Marabou with hazelnuts
  • A lot of pancakes (I lost count, some of them with Nutella on top/ strawberry jam)
  • 4 buns with Nutella
  • ½ Strawberry Pie
  • 2 Lindt chocolate with blueberry
  • 1 piece of Othello Cake (the cake in the top right corner)
  • 1 piece of apple pie
  • A few mini cookies
  • Rainbow ice cream
  • 2 waffle ice cream with vanilla and berries
  • 5 vanilla ice cream with chocolate
  • Chocolate milk ice cream
  • 1 banana-split
  • 1 Carte D'or ice cream 
  • 1 bowl of microwaved pop-corns

Sunday, 16 June 2013


Yeh... I'm sorry. I'm very stressed lately - and it looks like I'm going to be at this state for quite a while. I have to write an assignment (yes it is uni related), and I need to focus on the driving theory (and this is only for this month, yes 2 weeks left). Next month + august I need to focus on reading (yes Again uni related).

It is really stressful... I'm trying to manage all this. As it looks like I'm not going to have any kind of vacation this summer, and makes me sad :(

Hopefully it will all go smoothly, and I'll pass all this.

I'm deciding to pause the blog (yes it is early, but at the moment this is the best solution), hopefully it wouldn't be for too long (let me just get past the worst - the driving test and the assignment for this month).

Take Care.

Thursday, 13 June 2013

Still here...

Hey, I'm still here. No, im not giving up. I have been quite busy. I'm still eating healthy, oatmeal every morning and so on... BUT! I'll bake today. I'm baking whole grain bread tonight, I promsie that I'll post the result later (with Pictures and the recipe I used). :)

Yes, I'll go for a run now (and yeah, then bake).

Take care!!

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Oatmeal with pear and banana

Well you can't see it, but this oatmeal contains of pear, banana, rasins, flaxseeds, oats, water, milk (0,5%) and honey, cinamon, cottage cheese on top.

Yeah I made a huge mealt this morning - but it is fine. It was really yummy!!!

Sunday, 9 June 2013


My lunch today was a salad (rucola, salad, tomato, cucumber, feta-cheese, sesam seeds, sunflower seeds, red pepper, olive oil) and pasta with meatsauce.

My parents and me drove to our summerhouse, and they wanted to plant some new berry bushes in our garden (raspberry and blackcurrant).

Oatmeal with Peaches

Goodmorning! I started the day with a powerwalk (5km). And now I just ate an oatmeal with peaches and flaxseeds. The small glass beside contains of skyr mixed with blueberry topping (yes, I ran out of cottage cheese).

Saturday, 8 June 2013


Hey, I went for a lazy run this morning (mainly just powerwalked), my only excuse is that I only slept a few hours (which might explain why I failed - you can read it, later on).
So today I ate oatmeal for breakfast. Which contained of:
1 dl oats, 1 dl milk (0,5 %), 1 dl water, 3 teaspoons of blueberry topping, banana, flaxseeds and top it with cottage cheese and honey.

Well for lunch I ate a banana, as I was going for a HUGE dinner. My family and I went to an Italian restaurant to celebrate my grandmother's birthday. Most of my family tend to order very big and unhealthy meals, so of course I was influenced by this (but I was still keeping myself in mind that I needed to control myself). I ordered a spagetti carbo nada (pasta with cream and bacon), I also ate a small slice of my sister's pepperoni pizza. I was kind of proud of myself for not drinking any sodas or alcohol (because my family did), just water with ice and lemon.
Well... I did fall deeper into the trap when they started to order dessert (yes, the little child in me was screaming for the traditional dessert after a dinner), so I ordered a banana split. Yes, bad very bad (1 sliced banana, with 3 ice cream pieces - chocolate, vanilla and strawberry with cream and chocolate sauce). Well then we started talking for hours afterwards, so I ate 3 chocolate pieces and drank one juice (yes, now I also failed that). I was invited to a big party too, but I decided to stop the game while I still could (becuase the party would lead to alcohol). And then I came home... ate 4 peaches, hoped that I would be full, so that I could eat my last CLA pill for the day.
Hehe, and then I ate 2 corn buns with nutella (yes I'm sure full now). I do feel bad about it, but... I hope this will be the last time I do fall into that trap.
Tonight I promised myself that I would go for a run, and that I'll drink the shake. The process will continue as nothing happened - yes I did fail, but I hope that next time I fail, that it will take longer time before I fail (because then I know it is progressing in a good way).

Friday, 7 June 2013

Food during the day

In the morning, I cooked too much oatmeal this morning. It is the same oatmeal just with banana instead of kiwi. I also took my first CLA pill this morning, and I'll continue to take it for lunch and dinner (so 3 in total).
Also before breakfast, I went for a run/ powerwalk/ jog.  

For lunch I ate a pasta salad with chicken, which my mother bought for me. I wasn't too happy with the dressing (which just mentioned it was honey mix). + 1 CLA pill.

As a snack I ate a homemade fruit mix (I sliced 1 apple, 1 banana and handfull of grapes), I also ate about 200g of cherrys. 

For dinner, a rather less healthy meal. My mother made pasta with meatsauce as my sister wished for it. So I just added a 1 sliced tomato. + 1 CLA pill.
I'll run today for about ½ hour and do some stomach exercises. And afterwards drink my protein shake.

Yeh, I did it a bit different today, as I was away most of the day. But I managed to get most of it :)

Thursday, 6 June 2013

The Beginning

Hey, just a little status.
Today I'm going to drink my first protein shake (well it is pure casein), and I'm only going to drink it every night before I go to bed - after traning. Let's see how it will work.

I took these pictures in the morning, before I went for a run (just to keep a status). 


I made quite a big lunch; a salad which contains of:

  • Rucola Salad
  • Sliced Cucumber
  • Sliced Apple
  • Sliced Carrot
  • A little lemon jucie added
And 2 rye bread, with 1 egg (sliced) and mackerel. And water.
I going to my parents summerhouse today for a couple of hours to enjoy the amazing weather!! 



I started my day with a banana and a glass of water (500ml).
Then I went for a powerwalk for about an hour.
And then I ate my breakfast - oatmeal which contained of:

  • 1 cup of oats
  • 1 cup of milk (0,5%)
  • 1 cup of water
  • A few rasins
  • Small handful of flaxseed
  • 1 scoop of smoothie protein
I cooked them all, till it was boiling. Remember to regularly stir!

And I topped it with kiwi, cottage cheese and a little honey.

Tuesday, 4 June 2013


Hey, since this is my last day in Sweden (at least for this semester), we went to have some sushi! 3x sushi with salmon, 3x vegetarian sushi and the last one is called California roll (which is avocado, crab stick). It is so delicious. I have never really been into fish, but this is so yummy! You should give it a try - it is really nice to try new things once in a while.

Also after this dish I was so full!!
I'm just going to take it easy now, since I still have a few things left to pack. Maybe watch a movie?
Any suggestions?

Sunday, 2 June 2013

Sunday morning...

Hey! Not much has happened since I posted something last time. haha! I'm just waiting (can't wait) to get back to Denmark. Just 2 more days, and I'm free!!!! Oh yeah... Tomorrow is monday :( bad day...

I have everything planned for the 5th (I would have wanted to do it on the 4th, but it might be too exhausting - 8 hours of car/ train ride). I'll start easy out, and tell you what I'm eating. My plan is also to experiment a little with some recipes. I'll try to track everything down, more or less.

I hope you will have a nice and cozy day today! :)

Friday, 31 May 2013

Bad day

Hey, in general this, hasn't been my day at all, or week, or even month. Atleast the basic is over, and honestly I feel like I wasted more time on it, then gaining anything from it (it might sound confusing, but I rather not get into details).
In the beginning of the day I felt, horrible, not because of the lack of sleep, but because of the rapid changes - and suddenly you lose control.. (I had no overview of what was going on) Then the stress overwhelms you and eventually develops into anxiety. The worst part, is.. that this is not over yet... (this is seriously like an on-going nightmare).
On monday, I need to work with supportive facts - if they can be found (I really don't want to do this!!), and the day after is the doom's day (I agreed, so let's see what happens). After that I can go straight to Denmark to enjoy my summer.
Feeling stressed and anxious, alone, is just making it worse - you feel even more stressed and alone. Yeah it looks like a pretty bad start on the summer, so far. But plans are known for not always turning out the way you wanted them to. Well I calmed down after some time alone, texting to a few friends, cleaning etc.
I just accepted it (after I regreted that I agreed to go to the meeting on Tuesday), and now I just want to get it over with. I'm so fed up with this that I don't even care anymore. The motivation for the last part of the work, is close to gone - to never be seen again (yep, I just need to pull myself together for a few more days).
I'm still surprised that the motivation (for exercising) is still in me, now I just need to maintain it for a little longer, so that I can use all the negative energy from this thesis on the exercises. The goal is close, yet so far away. I just want my summer!!!

Thursday, 30 May 2013

New Knowledge

Hey, I'm so close to be done with the thesis and the presentation for it :) yay!!! I like watching documentaries, so of course I managed to watch a few documentaries: 'King Corn' (from 2002) and .Hungry for Change' (from 2012). The 'King Corn' - was funny enough about corn from how it is produced to when it is put on the shelf - the whole processs, also they reveal that corn is in many products - even products you wouldn't think had corn in it, has corn in it. Well Food Inc. circles around corn aswell, but this docuemtary goes into deeper details, so if you want to know how the corn is processed? Well go and watch it (because it goes through a lot of processes - Atleast in my opinion, as it becomes so unatural that your body doesn't even know what it is. Just take the meat, it gets so processed, but they still make it taste and look like it is an attractive piece of meat for a cheap price - but what about your body? Your body does not recognize this stuff that you call meat)!

I especially recommend people to watch 'Hungry for Change', yet it is basic and kind of logical, but it really helps you to get motivated - to start a healthy life style. It helps by putting everything in perspective, and yes it is something EVERYBODY can relate to, yes EVERYBODY. 


Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Food Inc.

Hey, so yesterday I watched Food Inc. very interesting. The documentary reveals a scary truth, what do we know about our food? The documentary shows you the finished product (meat), made in the factory. Really scary! It looks like unrecognized food and so wrong! And what is more scary is that they use the meat to make hamburgers at common hamburger places around the world (so that it can taste exactly the same) - and they are pretty much everywhere in the world, and most people have eaten a hamburger from their place atleast once in a lifetime.
The corn product and its background information surprised me as well, you will be surprised to know how many products contain corn in them, again - how are you able to know? Read the labels!
Please consider to watch it. It is from 2008, even though it is 5 years old it is still on going. I find it crucial because we are clueless about what we eat, and we just trust the products and buy them.
In conclusion: READ LABELS!
And yes, good and well taken cared of food is harder to find or more expensive compared to the processed, but it is worth it. You are doing this for yourself (or for your family), but in overall you are doing this to stay healthy by eating clean food. Please take care of yourself!

Saturday, 25 May 2013

Still alive!!

Yep, I'm still here. It has been a turbulent week, but yesterday I received my order: 3x protein powder and 3x CLA pills which I ordered for the summer, so that the challenge finally can begin! Yep it is going to help me boost my exercise, so that I can get the most out of my exercise. :)

Later today I'm just going to go for a run for 20 min. and then it is back to look at the thesis.

I bought the protein powder and CLA pills on this page here!
Here is a picture of Blake Lively, I really adore this dress.

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

My Unhealthy May

So... I have been keeping an eye on what I'm eating. The picture you see below is all the fat and sugary food I have been eating through this month - so far... And... It does not look good, again I'm a normal weighted girl for my height, who wants to become toned and lean. Yep, it looks bad! There is no excuse for this! I better pull myself together and stop snacking and craving these things. It is not okay to eat this once in a while!
This can grow into becoming a habit rather then something you do once in a while. Sure I could blame this on my thesis, and say that I don't have time. But all this is ruining me, and by me, I mean my body - this contains a lot of sugar and stuff which my body does not need. Especially because sugar can become quite addictive. I have to stop lying to myself, this is not okay to eat! Not even while I'm studying.
It is going to be quite hard to get through the next weeks, since my thesis is not done yet (yay one week to go). It is not worth it, if I keep eating this. I might be a bit grumpy :/

Random candy
A lot of pancakes - with Strawberry jam
2½ Pizzas
2 Burgers
1x Handful of rasins
1x Pack of Ballerina Cookies
1x Daim and Strawberry Ice Cream
4x Chocolate Muffins
3x Risifrutti with Strawberry
1x Pack Chocolate Cookies
8x Granola Bars
1x Cocos Top
0,5 liter Pear Ice Cream
0,5 liter Vanilla Ice Cream with Chocolate
0,5 liter Mango and Passion Fruit Sorbet Ice Cream
0,5 liter Pear ice cream with Chocolate Pieces
3x Marabou Chocolate with Rasins and Almond
1x Marabou Chcolate with Digestive
1x Nutmix with Rasins

Monday, 20 May 2013


Yesterday evening, I ran for 15 min. and warmed up with a powerwalk. There is a week left of May which means that I have a week left to hand in my assignment, and I'm free for this semester! :D

 I wanted to post some of my meals on the blog, but when I was making breakfast this morning (which was just with a simple oatmeal with rasins) I found out that the fridge's setting has been changed so everything is frozen :( that is really not good for a college student. So I guess I will have to live it a bit on noddles, so that I can keep in touch with my budget. Yes I know it is bad, but healthy food is pricy here in Sweden (compared to Denmark). So I'm a little grumpy :/
Well... As said before 1 week left!!!

I'll run again tonight :) and maybe post something later.

Saturday, 18 May 2013


They are in products such as bread, cakes, pasta, rice etc. They are bad for us if we eat too much of them, as they get digisted very quickly and restored it as fat in our bodies, but they do provide us with a lot of energy - which is important, the key is to find the healthier solution for this.

- Limit your consumption of carbs (smaller portion of pasta, could be an option).

Simply to avoid simple carbs (such as white bread, sodas, candy and desserts) - as they are stripped from all natural nutrientions (it might taste good, but your body does not need it - therefore they are digested faster). Typically there is a lot of sugar in them - which makes them more addictive.

Go for complex carbs (such as whole grain products, fresh fruits and vegetables) - they are in their 'natural' state which gives your body the nutrientions it needs. Also by choosing whole grain, it takes longer time for your body to digest which makes your body full for a longer time compare to simple carbs, and also give you more energy.

Which one do you choose?

Friday, 17 May 2013


Hey, I wished I didn't have this report. But I do. Well... I will not be so active this weekend, I'm just nofifying you guys that I'm still a live. Today I'm going to drive a long way, with my group, and as far as I know there will be a cozy (maybe crazy) bbq later. Just to relax and stuff :)

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Running tonight

Well... I promised myself that I will go out running 14 times this month (since the thesis needs so much attention). Today I'm going to run, I like to run in the mornings or the evenings (mainly because of the amount of people - I hate when they are there because it can make you lose focus), but also because it is easier to manage - especially when you are a student. My goal for tonight is to run light (not jog) for 15 min. Straight. It might be though because I have only pulled myself together and done it once this month. But there is 2 weeks left of this month, so I better get a grib on this - as it will be nice to have a few resting days. And the thing is, it is always hard to do it, but once you are start, it is not something you regret. Remember that you are doing this for yourself, and you are worth it. No matter what other people say. Do it for you!


Oatmeal with Cacao

Today I went for a 20 min. walk before eating breakfast. You already know that I love oatmeal, so I experimented a little, and the result was not that bad :)
I love chocolate and always have, so to avoid the cravings, I tried to make one with cacao.

Oatmeal with Cacao:
  • 1 cup of oats
  • 2 cups of milk
  • 1 teaspoon of cacao (plain cacao - the ones which contains almost zero sugar)
  • ½ teaspoon of cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla sugar (you can add honey, to make it sweeter)
  • 1 banan sliced (optional)
  • Small handfull of rasins (optional)
  • Cottage Cheese (optional)
  • Honey to put on top (optional)
Well I'm still full even though it has already been an hour since I ate this. I'll try this again. It was really yummy. It is worth trying :)

(I was not able to upload the photo - Sorry!!)

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Getting healthy

Get healthy, by doing the math. Is it really worth it? Well look at the result, yes there are countless things that might make you happy. I'm just showing you one of them. The reasons for them should just be within you.

I want to become healthy, I want it to become a lifestyle as I later will adapt to it.
This is a goal. And it will be one I will acheive by the end of the summer.

Hey there!

I know I havn't been so active on the blog lately, but the report is done in 2 weeks time, so please have patient. Once it is done, it is summertime and also I will blog everyday.

I must admitt that I havn't been so healthy this weekend, due to that the report needs so much attention and this means quick food. Yeh I know, it's bad. But my goal this month is to stay off as much sugar as I can and eat more healthy, and at last, try to do some exercises. It is going to be just great, once I get back into the rythm! :)

This picture is such an inspiration to me. When people (friends, families... etc.) around you look down on you, you have to grab the chance. Do something awesome for yourself. Life will go on. And to accept the things in the past and get moving, it takes time, but (hopefully) we will all get there. Just have patient and do your part, and it will all work out in the end - as you realize that you have done something great to yourself. Exercise might be a huge challenge in the beinning, but once when you are started, it kind of gives you some happiness and peace. :)

Have an awesome day!

Saturday, 11 May 2013


Goodmorning, so today I manage to take a picture of my breakfast :) It is the same one as yesterday, just with a lot of honey zig-zag on. It was so good!! well I have to get back to work :/ Hope you have a nice day out there! :)