
Monday, 20 May 2013


Yesterday evening, I ran for 15 min. and warmed up with a powerwalk. There is a week left of May which means that I have a week left to hand in my assignment, and I'm free for this semester! :D

 I wanted to post some of my meals on the blog, but when I was making breakfast this morning (which was just with a simple oatmeal with rasins) I found out that the fridge's setting has been changed so everything is frozen :( that is really not good for a college student. So I guess I will have to live it a bit on noddles, so that I can keep in touch with my budget. Yes I know it is bad, but healthy food is pricy here in Sweden (compared to Denmark). So I'm a little grumpy :/
Well... As said before 1 week left!!!

I'll run again tonight :) and maybe post something later.

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