
Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Running tonight

Well... I promised myself that I will go out running 14 times this month (since the thesis needs so much attention). Today I'm going to run, I like to run in the mornings or the evenings (mainly because of the amount of people - I hate when they are there because it can make you lose focus), but also because it is easier to manage - especially when you are a student. My goal for tonight is to run light (not jog) for 15 min. Straight. It might be though because I have only pulled myself together and done it once this month. But there is 2 weeks left of this month, so I better get a grib on this - as it will be nice to have a few resting days. And the thing is, it is always hard to do it, but once you are start, it is not something you regret. Remember that you are doing this for yourself, and you are worth it. No matter what other people say. Do it for you!


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