
Wednesday, 22 May 2013

My Unhealthy May

So... I have been keeping an eye on what I'm eating. The picture you see below is all the fat and sugary food I have been eating through this month - so far... And... It does not look good, again I'm a normal weighted girl for my height, who wants to become toned and lean. Yep, it looks bad! There is no excuse for this! I better pull myself together and stop snacking and craving these things. It is not okay to eat this once in a while!
This can grow into becoming a habit rather then something you do once in a while. Sure I could blame this on my thesis, and say that I don't have time. But all this is ruining me, and by me, I mean my body - this contains a lot of sugar and stuff which my body does not need. Especially because sugar can become quite addictive. I have to stop lying to myself, this is not okay to eat! Not even while I'm studying.
It is going to be quite hard to get through the next weeks, since my thesis is not done yet (yay one week to go). It is not worth it, if I keep eating this. I might be a bit grumpy :/

Random candy
A lot of pancakes - with Strawberry jam
2½ Pizzas
2 Burgers
1x Handful of rasins
1x Pack of Ballerina Cookies
1x Daim and Strawberry Ice Cream
4x Chocolate Muffins
3x Risifrutti with Strawberry
1x Pack Chocolate Cookies
8x Granola Bars
1x Cocos Top
0,5 liter Pear Ice Cream
0,5 liter Vanilla Ice Cream with Chocolate
0,5 liter Mango and Passion Fruit Sorbet Ice Cream
0,5 liter Pear ice cream with Chocolate Pieces
3x Marabou Chocolate with Rasins and Almond
1x Marabou Chcolate with Digestive
1x Nutmix with Rasins

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