
Friday, 31 May 2013

Bad day

Hey, in general this, hasn't been my day at all, or week, or even month. Atleast the basic is over, and honestly I feel like I wasted more time on it, then gaining anything from it (it might sound confusing, but I rather not get into details).
In the beginning of the day I felt, horrible, not because of the lack of sleep, but because of the rapid changes - and suddenly you lose control.. (I had no overview of what was going on) Then the stress overwhelms you and eventually develops into anxiety. The worst part, is.. that this is not over yet... (this is seriously like an on-going nightmare).
On monday, I need to work with supportive facts - if they can be found (I really don't want to do this!!), and the day after is the doom's day (I agreed, so let's see what happens). After that I can go straight to Denmark to enjoy my summer.
Feeling stressed and anxious, alone, is just making it worse - you feel even more stressed and alone. Yeah it looks like a pretty bad start on the summer, so far. But plans are known for not always turning out the way you wanted them to. Well I calmed down after some time alone, texting to a few friends, cleaning etc.
I just accepted it (after I regreted that I agreed to go to the meeting on Tuesday), and now I just want to get it over with. I'm so fed up with this that I don't even care anymore. The motivation for the last part of the work, is close to gone - to never be seen again (yep, I just need to pull myself together for a few more days).
I'm still surprised that the motivation (for exercising) is still in me, now I just need to maintain it for a little longer, so that I can use all the negative energy from this thesis on the exercises. The goal is close, yet so far away. I just want my summer!!!

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