
Sunday, 16 June 2013


Yeh... I'm sorry. I'm very stressed lately - and it looks like I'm going to be at this state for quite a while. I have to write an assignment (yes it is uni related), and I need to focus on the driving theory (and this is only for this month, yes 2 weeks left). Next month + august I need to focus on reading (yes Again uni related).

It is really stressful... I'm trying to manage all this. As it looks like I'm not going to have any kind of vacation this summer, and makes me sad :(

Hopefully it will all go smoothly, and I'll pass all this.

I'm deciding to pause the blog (yes it is early, but at the moment this is the best solution), hopefully it wouldn't be for too long (let me just get past the worst - the driving test and the assignment for this month).

Take Care.

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