
Thursday, 4 July 2013

My Unhealthy June

Hello there! Yes I couldn't resist, so here you have my unhealthy parts of June. I had difficulties, as you can see, but it is a challenge as I went to various of restaurants this month (birthdays, celebration of my brother's graduation etc.). And then there have been times where I have been either stressed/ lazy. I haven't been to the fitness that many times either... So it's going great...

Well enough about the bad parts, I have made a program now, for July. Everyday (except Monday), I'm going to train 2 hours in total (1 hour in the morning and 1 hour in the evening), to wake my body up. It is going so-so ... The mornings are great, but the evenings... they are kind of in the way (ex. if I'm out shopping with my friend - the last thing I want to do after a whole day of walking is going to the gym). I can feel that my body is getting quite exhausted, and I'm trying to take it easy, as this is quite a change (example: I do ½ hour of cross-trainer, but running in the evening on the treadmill is killing me - so instead I power-walk for ½ hour). Everyday (except Monday), I will train on of my parts of my body for 15 min. (Tuesday - arms, Wednesday - legs, Thursday - butt, Friday - arms, Saturday - stomach, Sunday - butt).

Wish me luck!
The List contains of:

  • 8 scones with chocolate
  • 4 chocolate muffins
  • 1 Marabou with raisins and almonds
  • 1 Marabou with hazelnuts
  • A lot of pancakes (I lost count, some of them with Nutella on top/ strawberry jam)
  • 4 buns with Nutella
  • ½ Strawberry Pie
  • 2 Lindt chocolate with blueberry
  • 1 piece of Othello Cake (the cake in the top right corner)
  • 1 piece of apple pie
  • A few mini cookies
  • Rainbow ice cream
  • 2 waffle ice cream with vanilla and berries
  • 5 vanilla ice cream with chocolate
  • Chocolate milk ice cream
  • 1 banana-split
  • 1 Carte D'or ice cream 
  • 1 bowl of microwaved pop-corns

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