
Friday, 26 July 2013

No Excuses

Yeah... I have a million excuses for why I'm not active on my blog. Like, I live with my parents over the summer - and they are renovating their house etc.

Maybe I just want this change bad enough? Or maybe I'm just too lazy to care? Or too lazy to do anything about it? ... There might be even more than I can imagine... Or not?

Anyway, I need to pull myself together and start and acting instead of just dreaming about it. I have been going to the fitness and so on... But I haven't been eating right - which just does not make any changes (yes, I might put the blame on my family for celebrating birthdays, BBQ, etc.), I need to resist this kind of way of thinking.

Example, yesterday wasn't too bad. But I didn't go to the gym...
Breakfast: a few pancakes with organic Italian plum jam, and a glass of water.
Lunch: a few meatballs (homemade, and yes it is so Scandinavian) with garlic bread.
Snack: a big strawberry-rhubarb smoothie.
Dinner: popcorn and cola (I went to the movies with a friend).


this morning I ate 3 buns with raisins (with no butter) - it could have been worse, but it isn't the healthiest breakfast (I don't consider white bake-work, pancakes as healthy breakfast meals - there are recipes which offers a healthier version of it, but again... There are other things. Like I typically eat oatmeal for breakfast, it's easy and healthy. I have been looking at Bran flakes, it should be an even healthier option than oatmeal - the only minus is; you need milk to eat bran flakes and I'm lactose intolerant. Yes, I can go for lactose free milk, but it is pricey!!!! or milk with 0,1 % fat with minimum amount of portion).

Hopefully, it will turn out better than it has so far...

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