
Saturday, 6 July 2013

Sunny Summer Day

Hey, I started my day with a banana and a CLA - pill, then I headed to fitness and did the cross-trainer for ½ hour. I was suppose to run/ power walk   on the treadmill.... but my legs were so sore! So yes, I skipped that part, but I'm still happy that I went - and making it a habit (going to the gym almost everyday). Afterwards I ate a standard oatmeal (containing: oats, milk - 0,1%, water, flax seeds) with cottage cheese and honey on top. I'm full.

I'm worried though... In the summer my parents tend to go out and eat (restaurants, BBQ, birthdays, or other celebrations), today they are having a summer-party in their summerhouse. There is going to be a Chinese buffet. Usually I don't mind it, but now that I'm on a diet (eating cleaner and healthier food) and on a strict exercise program. The buffet is on it's more unhealthier side, as it contains of a lot of carbs, fat and processed food. I'm not all too thrilled about this, but it will be a challenge to pick out the healthier food over the less healthy food.

My goal today, together with picking out the healthier food, is to go to the gym in the evening.

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