
Wednesday, 31 July 2013

My Unhealthy July

Yep, today is the day I post my unhealthy parts of the month. And... This month my diet went on a vacation, as said before I have been invited to a lot of parties, celebrations... etc. (Good thing that I'm not going to visit my grandmother this year, otherwise there would have been more cake and candy on the menu).
The list seems a bit extreme, but I have (more/ less) exercised a great part of the month. Which is great, hopefully this... fat food period will be over as the school soon begins (in a couple of weeks).

The List contains of:
1 x ice cream sandwich
1 x rainbow ice cream (just a little)
3 x brownie muffins
1 x chicken burrito
2 x portions of pierogi
1 x normal twister ice cream
10 x mini twister ice cream (yes, I love twister ice cream it's a plus they are low in kcal)
1 x portion of noodles
2 x almond magnum ice cream
1 x apple pastry
½ apple cake
1 x tiramusi dessert
7 x chocolate cookies
1 x mini bounty
2 x glasses of Fanta Exotic
1 x portion of microwaved pop corns
1 x slice of cake (called 'drømmekage' in Danish)
1 x isis caramel bar (low in sugar, as this brand customize their products to diabetics)
3 x slices of pepperoni pizza
1 x huge soft ice with vanilla and strawberry
?? x grill food (I lost count as my parents grilled for almost everyday in the last 2 weeks of July)
1 x time at the Italian buffet
2-3 x times at the Chinese buffet
1-2 x portions of homemade ice cream with homemade berry sauce
?? x pancakes (yes, again my mother happily made me pancakes)

Tuesday, 30 July 2013

So July is ending...

Tomorrow it's the last day of July - what a messy month :/
Well that's the annoying part about making plans; they don't always turn out the way you want them to.

Morning: 30 min on the cross trainer, a few exercises (focus on the legs)
Evening: 30 min on the cross trainer, a few exercises (focus on the legs)

The calorie burn is about 600 kcal (more or less, typically more)

The reason why I'm dividing my day like this is that I get easily bored, it's a lame excuse, but at least I found a solution to handle my getting-in-shape-plan.

Friday, 26 July 2013

No Excuses

Yeah... I have a million excuses for why I'm not active on my blog. Like, I live with my parents over the summer - and they are renovating their house etc.

Maybe I just want this change bad enough? Or maybe I'm just too lazy to care? Or too lazy to do anything about it? ... There might be even more than I can imagine... Or not?

Anyway, I need to pull myself together and start and acting instead of just dreaming about it. I have been going to the fitness and so on... But I haven't been eating right - which just does not make any changes (yes, I might put the blame on my family for celebrating birthdays, BBQ, etc.), I need to resist this kind of way of thinking.

Example, yesterday wasn't too bad. But I didn't go to the gym...
Breakfast: a few pancakes with organic Italian plum jam, and a glass of water.
Lunch: a few meatballs (homemade, and yes it is so Scandinavian) with garlic bread.
Snack: a big strawberry-rhubarb smoothie.
Dinner: popcorn and cola (I went to the movies with a friend).


this morning I ate 3 buns with raisins (with no butter) - it could have been worse, but it isn't the healthiest breakfast (I don't consider white bake-work, pancakes as healthy breakfast meals - there are recipes which offers a healthier version of it, but again... There are other things. Like I typically eat oatmeal for breakfast, it's easy and healthy. I have been looking at Bran flakes, it should be an even healthier option than oatmeal - the only minus is; you need milk to eat bran flakes and I'm lactose intolerant. Yes, I can go for lactose free milk, but it is pricey!!!! or milk with 0,1 % fat with minimum amount of portion).

Hopefully, it will turn out better than it has so far...

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Tour de France

Hey there!

I started my day with a banana! And then I went for 30 minutes cross-training, and started off with working out my arms (ha ha, I feel so weak)! For breakfast I ate my regular oatmeal. I then took my bike to get into the center of Copenhagen, to get a few things sorted, and then back home. I'm surprised that I wasn't tired, but I can feel that my body is adjusting to this new lifestyle (which is good).

I'm going to eat lunch in an hour (yep, same sandwich - it is so easy to make). And relax a little, before I hit the gym again (late afternoon).

Well I'm not a fan of  'Tour de France', my brother enjoys watching it, so I tend to watch it too. It gives you motivation, I'm serious, they are exercising for over 4 hours - constantly take consideration to the road (like it goes up, down... etc.) and on the way you get to see a piece of France as well :) nice, huh?

Monday, 8 July 2013

Resting Day!

Good morning!
Today is my only resting day (from the gym), my legs are sore from the yesterday's exercise (I'm not as sore as I wished, as I really pushed myself). Today, I'm going out shopping with my mother.
Today my goal is to not eat any meat (a meatless day), and of course keep myself from any sweets and fat food. I my already ate my standard portion of oatmeal this morning, I'm even considering bringing my own lunchbox and a small snack (just so I don't need to think about it, and also without the lunchbox it will be a lot easier to pick an unhealthier choice - example fast food).

Sunday, 7 July 2013


Hey, my day today: for breakfast I ate oatmeal (just standard), for snack before lunch I ate a strawberry fruit-bar (I love that it has a smiley face on), an hour later I ate a small sandwich (containing: rye-bun, sliced cucumber, salad and humus). I toasted the bun, before making it, as I like it crunchy (otherwise it's too soft).

So yesterday, I tried to limit myself regarding to the Chinese food. It went so-so. Afterwards there was a lot of temptations; like chocolate tarts, chocolate, fruits (honeydew melon, melon and oranges) - yes I just took a few slices of fruit (I also had a low calorie chocolate bar in my purse just in case, but I haven't touched it). So at some points I'm quite satisfied with how it went. Still I hope it will take a while before we go to a restaurant etc. next time (funny enough it is my sister's birthday next week, so maybe sooner than I wished for).

Saturday, 6 July 2013

Sunny Summer Day

Hey, I started my day with a banana and a CLA - pill, then I headed to fitness and did the cross-trainer for ½ hour. I was suppose to run/ power walk   on the treadmill.... but my legs were so sore! So yes, I skipped that part, but I'm still happy that I went - and making it a habit (going to the gym almost everyday). Afterwards I ate a standard oatmeal (containing: oats, milk - 0,1%, water, flax seeds) with cottage cheese and honey on top. I'm full.

I'm worried though... In the summer my parents tend to go out and eat (restaurants, BBQ, birthdays, or other celebrations), today they are having a summer-party in their summerhouse. There is going to be a Chinese buffet. Usually I don't mind it, but now that I'm on a diet (eating cleaner and healthier food) and on a strict exercise program. The buffet is on it's more unhealthier side, as it contains of a lot of carbs, fat and processed food. I'm not all too thrilled about this, but it will be a challenge to pick out the healthier food over the less healthy food.

My goal today, together with picking out the healthier food, is to go to the gym in the evening.

Thursday, 4 July 2013

My Unhealthy June

Hello there! Yes I couldn't resist, so here you have my unhealthy parts of June. I had difficulties, as you can see, but it is a challenge as I went to various of restaurants this month (birthdays, celebration of my brother's graduation etc.). And then there have been times where I have been either stressed/ lazy. I haven't been to the fitness that many times either... So it's going great...

Well enough about the bad parts, I have made a program now, for July. Everyday (except Monday), I'm going to train 2 hours in total (1 hour in the morning and 1 hour in the evening), to wake my body up. It is going so-so ... The mornings are great, but the evenings... they are kind of in the way (ex. if I'm out shopping with my friend - the last thing I want to do after a whole day of walking is going to the gym). I can feel that my body is getting quite exhausted, and I'm trying to take it easy, as this is quite a change (example: I do ½ hour of cross-trainer, but running in the evening on the treadmill is killing me - so instead I power-walk for ½ hour). Everyday (except Monday), I will train on of my parts of my body for 15 min. (Tuesday - arms, Wednesday - legs, Thursday - butt, Friday - arms, Saturday - stomach, Sunday - butt).

Wish me luck!
The List contains of:

  • 8 scones with chocolate
  • 4 chocolate muffins
  • 1 Marabou with raisins and almonds
  • 1 Marabou with hazelnuts
  • A lot of pancakes (I lost count, some of them with Nutella on top/ strawberry jam)
  • 4 buns with Nutella
  • ½ Strawberry Pie
  • 2 Lindt chocolate with blueberry
  • 1 piece of Othello Cake (the cake in the top right corner)
  • 1 piece of apple pie
  • A few mini cookies
  • Rainbow ice cream
  • 2 waffle ice cream with vanilla and berries
  • 5 vanilla ice cream with chocolate
  • Chocolate milk ice cream
  • 1 banana-split
  • 1 Carte D'or ice cream 
  • 1 bowl of microwaved pop-corns