
Sunday, 16 June 2013


Yeh... I'm sorry. I'm very stressed lately - and it looks like I'm going to be at this state for quite a while. I have to write an assignment (yes it is uni related), and I need to focus on the driving theory (and this is only for this month, yes 2 weeks left). Next month + august I need to focus on reading (yes Again uni related).

It is really stressful... I'm trying to manage all this. As it looks like I'm not going to have any kind of vacation this summer, and makes me sad :(

Hopefully it will all go smoothly, and I'll pass all this.

I'm deciding to pause the blog (yes it is early, but at the moment this is the best solution), hopefully it wouldn't be for too long (let me just get past the worst - the driving test and the assignment for this month).

Take Care.

Thursday, 13 June 2013

Still here...

Hey, I'm still here. No, im not giving up. I have been quite busy. I'm still eating healthy, oatmeal every morning and so on... BUT! I'll bake today. I'm baking whole grain bread tonight, I promsie that I'll post the result later (with Pictures and the recipe I used). :)

Yes, I'll go for a run now (and yeah, then bake).

Take care!!

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Oatmeal with pear and banana

Well you can't see it, but this oatmeal contains of pear, banana, rasins, flaxseeds, oats, water, milk (0,5%) and honey, cinamon, cottage cheese on top.

Yeah I made a huge mealt this morning - but it is fine. It was really yummy!!!

Sunday, 9 June 2013


My lunch today was a salad (rucola, salad, tomato, cucumber, feta-cheese, sesam seeds, sunflower seeds, red pepper, olive oil) and pasta with meatsauce.

My parents and me drove to our summerhouse, and they wanted to plant some new berry bushes in our garden (raspberry and blackcurrant).

Oatmeal with Peaches

Goodmorning! I started the day with a powerwalk (5km). And now I just ate an oatmeal with peaches and flaxseeds. The small glass beside contains of skyr mixed with blueberry topping (yes, I ran out of cottage cheese).

Saturday, 8 June 2013


Hey, I went for a lazy run this morning (mainly just powerwalked), my only excuse is that I only slept a few hours (which might explain why I failed - you can read it, later on).
So today I ate oatmeal for breakfast. Which contained of:
1 dl oats, 1 dl milk (0,5 %), 1 dl water, 3 teaspoons of blueberry topping, banana, flaxseeds and top it with cottage cheese and honey.

Well for lunch I ate a banana, as I was going for a HUGE dinner. My family and I went to an Italian restaurant to celebrate my grandmother's birthday. Most of my family tend to order very big and unhealthy meals, so of course I was influenced by this (but I was still keeping myself in mind that I needed to control myself). I ordered a spagetti carbo nada (pasta with cream and bacon), I also ate a small slice of my sister's pepperoni pizza. I was kind of proud of myself for not drinking any sodas or alcohol (because my family did), just water with ice and lemon.
Well... I did fall deeper into the trap when they started to order dessert (yes, the little child in me was screaming for the traditional dessert after a dinner), so I ordered a banana split. Yes, bad very bad (1 sliced banana, with 3 ice cream pieces - chocolate, vanilla and strawberry with cream and chocolate sauce). Well then we started talking for hours afterwards, so I ate 3 chocolate pieces and drank one juice (yes, now I also failed that). I was invited to a big party too, but I decided to stop the game while I still could (becuase the party would lead to alcohol). And then I came home... ate 4 peaches, hoped that I would be full, so that I could eat my last CLA pill for the day.
Hehe, and then I ate 2 corn buns with nutella (yes I'm sure full now). I do feel bad about it, but... I hope this will be the last time I do fall into that trap.
Tonight I promised myself that I would go for a run, and that I'll drink the shake. The process will continue as nothing happened - yes I did fail, but I hope that next time I fail, that it will take longer time before I fail (because then I know it is progressing in a good way).

Friday, 7 June 2013

Food during the day

In the morning, I cooked too much oatmeal this morning. It is the same oatmeal just with banana instead of kiwi. I also took my first CLA pill this morning, and I'll continue to take it for lunch and dinner (so 3 in total).
Also before breakfast, I went for a run/ powerwalk/ jog.  

For lunch I ate a pasta salad with chicken, which my mother bought for me. I wasn't too happy with the dressing (which just mentioned it was honey mix). + 1 CLA pill.

As a snack I ate a homemade fruit mix (I sliced 1 apple, 1 banana and handfull of grapes), I also ate about 200g of cherrys. 

For dinner, a rather less healthy meal. My mother made pasta with meatsauce as my sister wished for it. So I just added a 1 sliced tomato. + 1 CLA pill.
I'll run today for about ½ hour and do some stomach exercises. And afterwards drink my protein shake.

Yeh, I did it a bit different today, as I was away most of the day. But I managed to get most of it :)

Thursday, 6 June 2013

The Beginning

Hey, just a little status.
Today I'm going to drink my first protein shake (well it is pure casein), and I'm only going to drink it every night before I go to bed - after traning. Let's see how it will work.

I took these pictures in the morning, before I went for a run (just to keep a status). 


I made quite a big lunch; a salad which contains of:

  • Rucola Salad
  • Sliced Cucumber
  • Sliced Apple
  • Sliced Carrot
  • A little lemon jucie added
And 2 rye bread, with 1 egg (sliced) and mackerel. And water.
I going to my parents summerhouse today for a couple of hours to enjoy the amazing weather!! 



I started my day with a banana and a glass of water (500ml).
Then I went for a powerwalk for about an hour.
And then I ate my breakfast - oatmeal which contained of:

  • 1 cup of oats
  • 1 cup of milk (0,5%)
  • 1 cup of water
  • A few rasins
  • Small handful of flaxseed
  • 1 scoop of smoothie protein
I cooked them all, till it was boiling. Remember to regularly stir!

And I topped it with kiwi, cottage cheese and a little honey.

Tuesday, 4 June 2013


Hey, since this is my last day in Sweden (at least for this semester), we went to have some sushi! 3x sushi with salmon, 3x vegetarian sushi and the last one is called California roll (which is avocado, crab stick). It is so delicious. I have never really been into fish, but this is so yummy! You should give it a try - it is really nice to try new things once in a while.

Also after this dish I was so full!!
I'm just going to take it easy now, since I still have a few things left to pack. Maybe watch a movie?
Any suggestions?

Sunday, 2 June 2013

Sunday morning...

Hey! Not much has happened since I posted something last time. haha! I'm just waiting (can't wait) to get back to Denmark. Just 2 more days, and I'm free!!!! Oh yeah... Tomorrow is monday :( bad day...

I have everything planned for the 5th (I would have wanted to do it on the 4th, but it might be too exhausting - 8 hours of car/ train ride). I'll start easy out, and tell you what I'm eating. My plan is also to experiment a little with some recipes. I'll try to track everything down, more or less.

I hope you will have a nice and cozy day today! :)